Journal of Colon And Rectal Cancer

Journal of Colon And Rectal Cancer

The Journal of Colon and Rectal Cancer (JCRC) is an open access, peer-reviewed journal dedicated to providing comprehensive coverage of research in all aspects of colon and rectal cancer. The journal's mission is to create a forum for the exchange of timely and up-to-date research findings, to promote the advancement of knowledge and practice, and to facilitate communication among relevant stakeholders. To achieve this goal, the journal publishes original papers, review articles, case studies, and commentaries on clinical, epidemiological.  

Note: An Article Processing Charge (APC) is levied to authors to make a research work available open access in Journal of Colon And Rectal Cancer.

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Journal metrics

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Average Processing Time

348 days

Acceptance rate


Submission to first decision

12 days

Acceptance to publication

2 days

Impact Factor


Our Specialties

Journal of Colon And Rectal Cancer is a comprehensive, peer-reviewed journal that helps disseminate original research work, having a unique aspect of covering many areas which contributes to providing an awareness of research studies of scientists around the globe.

Constant Updating

Journal's Mission: The Journal of Colon And Rectal Cancer stands as a distinguished and influential forum for the dissemination of cutting-edge research and practice in the realm of Oncology. JCRC publication showcases articles spanning the domains of Rectal cancer, Anal Cancer, Anastomosis, Colectomy, Fecal Incontinence, Rectovaginal fistula.


Seamless Manuscript Submission: Submit the research expeditiously and capitalize on the user-friendly services provided by JCRC. Utilize the uncomplicated Manuscript Submission Form or conveniently dispatch articles via email.

Manuscript Zone

Advanced Online Editorial Manager
High Quality Peer review

Rigorous Process: Peer review is a pivotal process that entails subjecting research articles to the scrutiny of experts in the same field. This process ensures the accuracy, reliability, and exceptional quality of the research. Team of editors and reviewers diligently ensures that every article published in JCRC undergoes a stringent peer review process.

Peer Review

JCRC levies Article Processing Charges (APCs) upon authors following the acceptance of their articles for publication. These charges are intended to offset the costs associated with the publishing process, encompassing editing, production, peer review, website hosting, and the online dissemination of original and plagiarism-free articles.

Article Processing Charges

Easy-to-Use Search Functionalities
Article Email Facility

Outstanding Resource for Authors: JCRC introduced a new editing tool, Riter’s, designed to significantly facilitate the preparation of articles. Riters is an advanced writing and editing tool specifically tailored to assist authors in enhancing the quality and clarity of their scientific writing. Tool offers a diverse array of features aimed at grammar checking, providing style suggestions, and enhancing language usage.


As an open-access publication, JCRC enables the widespread dissemination of research findings without the hindrance of subscription fees. This model fosters a broader exchange of knowledge and contributes to the advancement of Cancer. Researchers and readers benefit from unrestricted access to the latest developments of the area, thereby enhancing the impact and reach of their work.

Open Access


Editorial Board

Colon And Rectal Cancer-general surgery.
-Pakula A

Pakula A

Bakersfield, CA, USA

View Profile
Colon And Rectal Cancer-Management and outcomes of patients with colorectal diseases especially colorectal cancer-Frank A. Frizelle

Frank A. Frizelle

Riccarton Avenue, Addington 8011, New Zealand.

View Profile
Colon And Rectal Cancer-Inflammatory marker in predicting outcome in colorectal cancer-Basem Azab, M.D.

Basem Azab, M.D.

Staten Island, New York

View Profile
Colon And Rectal Cancer-Young onset CRC-Satish Warrier

Satish Warrier

9500 Euclid Ave, A30, Cleveland, OH, 44195, USA.

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