Journal of Addiction Disorder and Rehabilitation

Journal of Addiction Disorder and Rehabilitation

Journal of Addiction Disorder and Rehabilitation

Open Access & Peer-Reviewed

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About The Journal

Journal of Addiction Disorder and Rehabilitation is a scholarly journal that has a wide range of topics in its scope, such as pharmacotherapy, psychotherapy, cognitive-behavioral approaches, family therapy, public health approaches, and clinical informatics. The journal strives to create a platform for high-quality research, data-driven insights to be shared, and promote the best practices of this field. Published articles are all carefully peer-reviewed and rigorously checked to ensure the highest standards of academic excellence. The journal also provides authors with an efficient, collaborative, and transparent publication process, as well as open access to the content. 



Journal of Addiction Disorder and Rehabilitation(JADR) covers various aspects of addiction from a clinical, research-based and therapeutic perspective. The journal's scope covers topics that include but are not limited to: substance use and abuse, nicotine dependence, other forms of addictive behaviour such as gambling, internet use disorder, eating disorders, and other behavioural addictions. It also covers topics related to addiction treatment and recovery, drug addiction epidemiology, pharmacology, pharmacotherapy, psychotherapy, and research.


JADR publishes multi-disciplinary research from various fields such as medicine, psychology, sociology, public health, pharmacology, nursing and social work, which makes it one of the most comprehensive and inclusive journals in the field. With its focus on improving the understanding and treatment of addiction disorders and promoting the awareness of addiction related issues, JADR is a valuable resource for clinicians, researchers, and other professionals in the field


Instructions for authors 

The journal welcomes original research articles, review articles, and case reports from a wide range of disciplines, including epidemiology, public health, psychology, psychiatry, and neurology. We encourage submission of original research papers and review articles that address important topics in the field of addiction disorder and rehabilitation, including substance abuse and treatment, mental health and prevention, and related fields. All submissions must meet the high standards of scientific rigor and relevance to the journals scope. Manuscripts submitted for consideration should be formatted in accordance with the journals instructions for authors. The journal encourages authors to adhere to the instructions for authors and to include sufficient information to review their studies and articles. Authors must adhere to the ethical guidelines set out by the journal, including ethical approval and informed consent of research participants.


Editorial Board 

The Editorial Board of Journal of Addiction Disorder and Rehabilitation(JADR) consists of a highly distinguished and experienced group of academics and professionals who strive to ensure that all research and practice published meets the highest standards of evidence-based practice. Through rigorous peer-review, the Editorial Board ensures that only the most relevant and innovative research is published. The Editorial Board actively engages in the peer-review process and provides invaluable feedback to improve the quality of the research before publication. The Board also provides a forum for discussion and debate, which encourages readers to engage in open dialogue, inviting a variety of points of view and interpretations. 


Article Processing Charges 

Journal of Addiction Disorder and Rehabilitation (JADR) encourages authors to submit their original research and reviews to the journal. However, authors should be aware that there is an Article Processing Charge associated with all publication in the journal. This fee helps cover the costs associated with the peer-review and editorial process to ensure the highest standards of quality for publishing. 


Submission Procedure

In order to facilitate the publication process, Journal of Addiction Disorder and Rehabilitation (JADR) follows a single-blind along with a rapid review process. All manuscripts are subject to a preliminary editorial screening followed by a detailed peer-review process to evaluate the scientific quality of the research conducted. All accepted articles are formatted as per the guidelines laid down by the journal and published online with a digital object identifier for citation.

Journals By Subject

Life Sciences
Medical Sciences