Antonella Fioravanti
Policlinico Le Scotte Viale Bracci 1 53100 Siena (Italy) Policlinico Le Scotte,
Viale Bracci 1 53100, Siena (Italy).
Research Interests:
Osteoarthritis, chondrocyte culture, microRna, adipokines
- Dr. Antonella Fioravanti, Graduate in 1980 at the University of Siena (Italy) in Medical School, Major in Endocrinology, Rheumatology , PhD in Experimental Rheumatology, having since 1989 the charge of Assistant of Professor at the Rheumatology Unit of the General Hospital Le Scotte of Siena.
- Holds office since 2004 for High Specialization in diagnosis and therapy of degenerative rheumatic diseases.
- Since 1982 is partner of Italian Society of Rheumatology??(SIR),holding office of vice president of Tuscany Section of Rheumatology Italian Society ; from 2000 to 2004 President of the Tuscany Section of Italian League Against Rheumatic Diseases(LIMAR); since 2006 is member of Scientific Board of ISMH (International Society of Medical Hydrology). Since 2014 she is Vice-President (Scientific Leader) of ISMH.
- The Dr holds teaching charges at Rheumatology Postgraduate School, Medical Hydrology, Genetics and Endocrinology and Internal Medicine.
- Its years since she is involved in clinical and laboratory research with her 214 edit papers on national and international journals.
- The Dr is also co-author of 12 books dedicate to rheumatologic disease and Medical Hydrology.
- Her major research areas concern Osteoarthritis, Chondrocyteculture, and Medical Hydrology.