Journal of Nephrology Advances

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Nephrology Advances-Oncology-Marco Grasso


Sacco Hospital, 
Polo Universitario, 

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Marco Grasso


Corso Plebisciti 15, Milan, 20129, Italy,  
Osp Luigi Sacco, 
via GBGrassi 74,

Research Interests:

Oncology,(kidney cancer,Tcc etc)


  • Dr. Grasso graduated in Medicine and Surgery in 1978 at the University of Milan.
  • Subsequently he obtained the Specializations in Surgery in 1984 and in Urology in 1989 at the same University.
  • From 1985 to 1987 he was Assistant of the Department of Urology.
  • From 1987 to 1998 he was Assistant in the same Department where he carried out urological, andrological surgery, andrological microsurgery, diagnostic and operative endourology.
  • From 1985 to 1998 he was head of the Andrology Center at the San Raffaele Scientific Institute in Milan, dealing with diagnostics, surgery and andrological microsurgery. Subsequently he was Director of the Urology Operative Unit at the Hospital of Desio.
  • Since 2008 he has been Director of the Urology Operative Unit at the San Gerardo Hospital Hospital of Monza, holder of the Urology Course at the Milano Bicocca University. It performs complex urological surgery, training of medical and nursing staff, organization and synergies.
  • He currently works as a freelance professional in nursing homes and medical offices.